Which Manuka Honey STRENGTH Is Right for You?

Nate's manuka honey bottle with cap open and honey pouring out. Displayed with brown background.

Manuka honey is a powerful superfood but not all manuka is the same. At Nate’s, our manuka honey is UMFTM-certified – which means it is independently tested for potency, authenticity, freshness and purity through the UMFHA (Unique Manuka Factor Honey Association). 

Manuka potency, or strength, is important to consider when choosing the right product for your needs. Potency is measured by MGO (methylglyoxal) level, the natural compound that gives manuka honey its unique activity. Nate’s manuka honey is available in varying MGO strengths that align with UMFTM ratings, so you can choose a strength based on your wellness needs. The higher the UMFTM rating, the more potent the manuka honey.  

Consider these ways to enjoy each of the strengths of Nate’s manuka honey:  

Nate’s UMF 5+ Manuka Honey (MGO 83). This lower strength manuka is ideal for general wellness, taken like you would a daily multivitamin. Use it however you would use honey, as an all-natural sweetener in your morning cup of coffee or tea or drizzled on toast. 

Nate’s UMF 7+ Manuka Honey (MGO 144). For everyday wellness, this low-mid strength manuka can be incorporated into a morning smoothie or greens blend for added value.  

Nate’s UMF 10+ Manuka Honey (MGO 263). Incorporate this medium strength manuka when you are looking for targeted well-being. Make it part of your health routines during cough and cold season or try incorporating into your beauty routines for an all-natural self-care moment. 

Nate’s Manuka Honey UMF 15+ (MGO 512). This high strength manuka provides the most benefits. If you are feeling low or need a boost, try a spoonful straight up! 

Whichever strength you choose, every Nate’s manuka honey has a purity guarantee and is UMFTM-certified for assurance it’s authentic and potent manuka honey of the highest quality.  


Relentless Quality.
Ridiculously Good Taste.
Confidently, the Most Trusted Honey.